James Byaruhanga

ICTAU Rep. & MD - Roke Cloud

James Byaruhanga is currently the Managing Director at Roke Cloud and Chief Commercial Officer at Roke Telkom. With over 20 years of experience in Cloud, ISP, Data Centre and Telco in Network, Service, Infrastructure and Executive Management, James has comprehensive and in-depth Knowledge of Wireless, VSAT and Cable Networks, Project Management of cross-functional projects in ISP and Telco related fields as well as Strategy and Planning Expertise on Voice, Video and Data Products.

James is a Certified Data Centre Management Professional (CDCMP), Juniper Network Certified Internet Specialist (JNCIS), Cisco Certified Internet Professional (CCIP), ITIL Professional and Extreme Networks Specialist (ENS).

Preceding his role at Roke Cloud, James served as the General Manager of Raxio Data Centre for 5 Years and was at the forefront of designing, building, operating and maintaining Uganda’s first Tier III Carrier Neutral Data Centre.  He is also Founding Director and Chief Technical Officer at Roke Telkom before being promoted to Chief Operations Officer in charge of sales, marketing, business development, product development, administration and strategic planning department all for a period of 9 years.

James sits on several boards including the Board of Fontes Foundation Uganda which is a Non-Government Organisation that provides support to Orphanage groups, provides water to rural communities and builds schools for rural communities; projects currently handled are in the Kanungu, Katungulu and Kampala Areas. In addition, he also sits on the board of the ICT Association of Uganda (ICTAU) which is a multi-stakeholder initiative formed by private individuals from Uganda, with the vision of providing professional guidance to individuals and organizations in the private sector, as well as offering advisory services to government on policy-based issues.

In addition to this James is also a Director, Founding Partner for House of Djs Ltd, Bakiga Nation, Charge KO, Shisa Nyama Village, Tasha’s Deli and Happy Pigs Farm.